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[atomic-devel] Generic executable labels for atomic cli


In the container-tools team we have been having discussions about the
lifecycle of an atomicapp. We have essentially decided that there are
more verbs that we want to use than those that are defined in the Generic 
Labels [1]. Vasek has proposed an idea [2] that I think would be useful 
for atomic cli to support. 

The idea is more or less to support an application developer being
able to define his/her own verbs to allow the user to call from atomic
CLI. Since it is up to the application to define them they don't have 
to make sense in any other application. The application could still
implement INSTALL/RUN/UNINSTALL etc, but they could define more that
would enable them to provide a better user experience.

In Vasek's suggestion he proposed that the io.projectatomic.atomic.cmd.unpack=.*
label would correspond to `atomic unpack`. I would prefer that the
label scheme (whatever it is) actually map to a top level primitive in
atomic cli so that the user knows what he/she is doing. For example,
rather than `atomic unpack <appname>` it would map to `atomic exelabel unpack <appname>`
or `atomic runlabel unpack <appname>`.

Regardless of the specific implementation, which can be decided later,
I think a mechanism for arbitrary run labels would be useful. I can
propose this to [1] and eventually send a PR to atomic cli if this is

- Dusty

[1] - https://github.com/projectatomic/ContainerApplicationGenericLabels
[2] - https://gist.github.com/goern/d8910ba7a10ff26bc8f2#gistcomment-1565065

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