On 08/02/2017 10:20 AM, Colin Walters wrote:
Hey, just a quick note here that I've been waging a fight to keep /usr/bin/python as Python 2 for Fedora Atomic Host, and in general to support Ansible. This was covered on LWN: https://lwn.net/Articles/729366/ For openshift-ansible I think we're generally OK with supporting Python 3 and working through that. But if you're a user of Atomic Host + Ansible with Python 2, it'd be useful to respond here to let me know this fight is worth continuing =)
Yup, that's me. The tests we maintain in the 'atomic-host-tests' repo[0] are all Ansible.
I'd like to experiment with the tests in their current state against an Atomic Host that has Python 3 available before raising any red flags. But this is definitely something we need to watch.
[0] https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-host-tests
There's a bigger picture question around how long we keep Python 2. I'll post something related to that soon.