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Re: [atomic-devel] Changing hosted ostree repo so that we align "released content" with 2wk releases

On 01/20/2017 04:51 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:
> Note: please don't respond to this email. Please continue discussion
>       in the linked ticket.
> This is a partial implementation of releng ticket 6545 [1] which is a
> migration of the old releng trac ticket 6313 [2].
> Gross simplification: In the ticket two things were requested:
> - The ostree commits should have slower cadence
> - Version numbers of the pungi run match the ostree commits
> I have got together with colin (some time ago) and patrick (recently)
> to discuss an implementation for the first bulleted ask: "ostree
> commits should have slower cadence". This proposal is for that work
> item.
> Currently what we have is ostree composes that run as part of (or
> immediately after) bodhi runs that push out new updated rpms into the
> updates or updates-testing yum repos in Fedora. As part of this a new
> ostree commit is created with the new content and the 
> fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/docker-host ref within the ostree repo gets
> updated.
> This fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/docker-host ref is the one that our users
> running atomic host are following. It means that when they run
> `rpm-ostree upgrade` they are getting the latest commit from the last
> bodhi run, not the commit from the last two week release.
> We'd like to change this so that user's only get new commits ~every
> two weeks (when we do a release). We can achieve this by making a 
> few changes:
> - change bodhi ostree composes to update a different "ref"
>     - we are proposing this ref should be called 
>       "fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/updates/docker-host"
>       since it tracks the updates yum repo
>     - alternatively we already have 
>       fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/testing/docker-host
>       which tracks the updates-testing yum repo.
>       In the future we will change this name to 
>       "updates-testing" vs just "testing"
> - updating the two week release process to update the 
>   fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/docker-host ref
>     - This means that ref will only get updated when we do a release.
> - building the iso/cloud images from the "updates" ref
>   but pointing them to the 2wk release ref
>     - This will mean we can still get new images every night to test
>       but when we release one of these images it tracks the 2wk ref
>       by default.
> I've talked with patrick and these changes are pretty simple to make.
> We welcome feedback, but hope to implement these changes soon.
> I'll be updating ticket 6545 with this information as well. Please
> comment with any discussion in the ticket!

Patrick and I will plan on making these changes later this week unless
someone objects before that time.


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