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[atomic-devel] Fwd: Devops Weekly #324

Interesting. Targeting this use case without the docker daemon could be tricky right?


Ctop is a top-like interface for container metrics, connecting to a Docker socket and presenting information about container memory, CPU and network usage.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Devops Weekly #324
Date: 	Sun, 12 Mar 2017 10:17:59 +0000
From: 	Devops Weekly <gareth morethanseven net>
Reply-To: 	us2-33741cb112-ca6abee80a conversation01 mailchimpapp com
To: 	scott mccarty gmail com

ISSUE #324 - 12th March 2017

A bit of a theme around the use of cloud infrastructure this week, with several opinions on design considerations in light of outages, the use of serverless for common cron-based tasks and other pitfalls and practicalities, from monitoring to secrets.


Free Incident Management Maturity Assessment. Learn how your team ranks against leading DevOps practices and get helpful tips on how to improve.



Practical Tips for Ops: End User Monitoring [Part 3: DevOps Journey Series]

When measuring DevOps success, it’s not just about feature delivery speed, but how end users respond to your innovation. Join us March 23rd for part 3 of our DevOps Journey Series where you’ll get practical tips for end user monitoring that you can implement quickly.



A useful set of posts on cloud security best practices, including how to keep secrets out of your code repositories using tools like truffleHog, git-secrets and git-crypt.


Understanding how technical decisions are made is interesting, especially when those decisions are on lots of people's minds. This post covers in detail the rationale for staying in a cloud environment rather than switching to physical infrastructure.


Interesting research into why two common syscalls on EC2 are 77% slower.


A nice counter to some of the talk of cloud strategy after the S3 outage, and some good points on SLAs.


Google Cloud is definitely picking up new features and increased interest. These posts cover how best to monitor the various series and moving parts in GCE.


A good post on a trend towards using serverless environments like AWS Lambda for recurring operations scripts which might previously have used arbitrary server instances, cron and the like.


A good post on creating a complete WIndows environment in AWS with Terraform.



KubeCon / CloudNativeCon 17 - Join leading Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologists in Berlin for a full range of technology sessions on the cloud native ecosystem. Almost sold out, register below.


An introduction to Linkerd with William Morgan of buoyant.io

Linkerd is the latest hosted project to join the CNCF alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing and Fluentd. Linkerd is an open source, resilient service mesh for cloud-native applications. Used by companies like Twitter, Soundcloud, Pinterest and ING. Linkerd brings scalable, production-tested reliability to cloud-native applications in the form of a service mesh, a dedicated infrastructure layer for service communication that adds resilience, visibility and control to applications without requiring complex application integration.



The Best DevOps Jobs in the World, (all in one place)



Ctop is a top-like interface for container metrics, connecting to a Docker socket and presenting information about container memory, CPU and network usage.


Kubecfg is a tool for managing complex Kubernetes configurations, by providing a nice wrapper around jsonnet templates.


Free Incident Management Maturity Assessment. Learn how your team ranks against leading DevOps practices and get helpful tips on how to improve.


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