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Re: [atomic-devel] reinstall removed base packages

On 06/05/2018 06:48 AM, arnaud gaboury wrote:

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 12:39 PM arnaud gaboury <arnaud gaboury gmail com <mailto:arnaud gaboury gmail com>> wrote:

    I removed some base packages (everything docker related) to install

    Here is the status:

      # rpm-ostree status
    State: idle; auto updates disabled
    ● ostree://fedora-atomic:fedora/28/x86_64/updates/atomic-host
                        Version: 28.20180604.0 (2018-06-04 12:55:05)
                   GPGSignature: Valid signature by
            RemovedBasePackages: cockpit-docker-169-1.fc28.x86_64,
                LayeredPackages: ansible bind-utils byacc flex gcc gdisk
    git git-all git-subtree
                                 glibc-langpack-en jq kubernetes-client
    libmodulemd libxcrypt-devel man-db
                                 man-pages mcstrans nano nmap ntp
    ntpstat pam_ssh pass perl-MailTools
                                 python2-dnf python3-smartcols ranger
    rng-tools rpmconf rsyslog
    selinux-policy-devel setools setroubleshoot-server
                                 systemd-journal-remote unzip utf8proc
    util-linux-user vim vim-enhanced wget
    docker-ce-17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos.x86_64 sshguard-2.1.0-1.el7.lux.x86_64

    I want to remove the local packages and reinstall the base ones.
     From what I read here[0], this is the command to run, but it
    returns an error

      # rpm-ostree override reset docker cockpit-docker
    container-selinux docker-common
    Checking out tree 7eea73a... done
    Resolving dependencies... failed
    error: The following base packages would be removed:

    How can i do properly and best practice?

EDIT: dnf remove does not work, neither rpm-ostree unisntall.

# rpm-ostree uninstall docker-ce
error: Package/capability 'docker-ce' is not currently requested
  # dnf remove docker-ce
Failed to obtain the transaction lock (logged in as: root).
Error: Could not run transaction

A few of us helped solve this problem via IRC and I just wanted to share the results.

There's an issue where the 'rpm-ostree uninstall' command does not support specifying package names for packages that were installed from a local RPM. You need to specify the full NEVRA.

To uninstall the `docker-ce` and `docker-ce-selinux` packages from the example above, we needed to run:

# rpm-ostree uninstall docker-ce-selinux-17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos.noarch docker-ce-17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos.x86_64

This problem spawned the following issue and a PR for documentation improvement:


After the local packages were successfully uninstalled, we were able to reset all of the overrides with:

# rpm-ostree override reset --all

The overall issues faced here also started the discussion about providing a way to uninstall and reset all the overrides in one command:


    Thank you


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