On 05/31/2018 03:10
PM, Muayyad AlSadi wrote:
> Not sure to fully understand.
instead of modifying the host to add/remove the packages
you want,
you can create a docker image containing whatever you want
to run (even if it's the docker daemon itself)
then run that container using atomic tool with ostree/runc
backend (without docker daemon)
the same way atomic host is running etcd
and flanneld without docker daemon
here is a session
[root laptop ~]# docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at
unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
[root laptop ~]#
[root laptop ~]# atomic run --storage ostree registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-minimal
OK, I see. It is really very very powerful. I
choose the other solution, running rebase, as I needed to do it
anyway. Plus, all this is quite new to me (especially the Kubernetes
stuff) and asks a lot of reading and work from myself. I am afraid
being lost if I go too deep in the containerize affair.
TY anyway as your method will help in other situations I guess.
On 05/31/2018 02:53 PM, Muayyad AlSadi
you can use "atomic" command line tool to run whatever you want inside
a system container (even without docker daemon)
Not sure to fully understand.
Here what I did:
# atomic host install
Checking out tree 291ea90... done
Enabled rpm-md repositories: updates fedora
rpm-md repo 'updates' (cached); generated: 2018-05-30
rpm-md repo 'fedora' (cached); generated: 2018-04-25
Importing metadata [=============] 100%
Resolving dependencies... Forbidden base package
selinux-policy-targeted 3.14.1-29.fc28 ->
3.14.1-30.fc28 (updates)
selinux-policy 3.14.1-29.fc28 -> 3.14.1-30.fc28
error: Some base packages would be replaced
Is it what you were talking about?
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:04 PM arnaud gaboury <arnaud gaboury gmail com> wrote:
In order to create a Kubernetes cluster, I want to downgrade docker to docker-ce-17.03.
I uninstalled successfully current docker version with some dependencies with the following command:
# rpm-ostree override remove cockpit-docker docker docker-common
Now i want to install two rpm files for docker:
# rpm-ostree install docker-ce-17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm docker-ce-selinux-17.03.2.ce-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
The above command returned:
Resolving dependencies... Forbidden base package replacements:
selinux-policy-targeted 3.14.1-29.fc28 -> 3.14.1-30.fc28 (updates)
selinux-policy 3.14.1-29.fc28 -> 3.14.1-30.fc28 (updates)
error: Some base packages would be replaced
Googling, it seems this is a common issue, but I didn't find any solution. How can I solve this issue and install docker-ce & dependencies?