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Re: [atomic] Thoughts on the atomic cli

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015, at 03:16 PM, Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:

>   https://github.com/larsks/atomic-cli/

Nice!  I see the OpenStack command line experience influence here.

> - Because this is implemented using cliff, each subcommand is a
>   separate Python module.  This encourages modularity and makes it
>   easy to experiment with new commands.

Looks nicer to me indeed.

> This isolates all the Docker operations
>   inside a "atomic.dockerapi" module

This isn't exactly your fault but the pervasive use of shell=True
without quoting arguments gives me the willies.

> - The ad-hoc templating (for 'NAME=NAME', 'IMAGE=IMAGE', et al) is
>   replaced with the standard python '...string...'.format() call.  In command lines,
>   '{image}' is replaced with the image name and '{name}' is replaced
>   with the container name, and it is trivial to add additional values
>   to the dictionary passed to the format method.

Yes, a more well defined language here makes a huge amount of sense.

> - I tried to write a simple spec to describe the desired behavior.
>   It's not half complete, but it's hard to write a tool without some
>   sort of end-goal in site.

So how do we move forward?  Seems like we need to get the
current /usr/bin/atomic contributors to agree on some of these
changes and code direction?

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