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Re: [atomic-devel] [aos-devel] Live container updates without in-container DNF

There are some old Epics around this from a year (?) ago.

Ultimatively we need a model for keeping build requirements outside of the production container without invalidating all dockerfiles, breaking the developer experience or moving to a complete different approach. Oh and we need to avoid hacks like removing content in higher layers and then squashing (did anyone ever try that?).

In earlier discussions we had asked for an out-of-tree version of yum (now that would be dnf), that could be seamlessly mounted into the context of the container during build. Then do the same to other common tools.

I am not sure where, but the idea progressed to a model of having a docker patch that looks at a number of 'sidecar' or 'plugin' containers, each providing a specific set of tools, mounting them and adding them to the path. At the time, Docker kept mentioning 'plugins' from time to time as the solution for this.

So the yum plugin-container would enable the yum command in the docker file. There are a number of reasons, why this should be a separate tool container and not the host tool.

I believe we have progressed to a point where it's much more realistic to achieve, but I think that the original outline still is correct: we need the ability to mount tools in a volume-container-like model.



On Tuesday, October 20, 2015, Pavel Odvody <podvody redhat com> wrote:
On Tue, 2015-10-20 at 12:09 +0200, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 15 October 2015 at 17:56, Pavel Odvody <podvody redhat com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > at [0] is a rationale and description of the process, whereas at
> > [1] is
> > the final code.
> > The example uses hosts DNF but could be easily extrapolated and use
> > DNF
> > via another (spc) container (Atomic use-case).
> >
> > [0]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dsStqcuZTeeu3BgwZwmX2zRsuY
> > JoD9Qt9I3SQA9F7Lc/pub
> > [1]: https://github.com/shaded-enmity/dnf-container-update
> Could this be adapted to do container builds in a way where the build
> container is separate from the container being built? (At the moment,
> s2i still has the two merged, so you end up with build tools and
> artifacts in your runtime container by default)
> Regards,
> Nick.

Creating fully-working container chroot can be done with DNF alone [0]:

dnf -y --releasever=21 --nogpg --installroot=/srv/mycontainer -
-disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=fedora install systemd passwd dnf fedora
-release vim-minimal

But I guess that is still slightly different from what you're asking.
Shameless plug of docker-hica [1] - one specific use case I had in mind
when building HICA was that I want to use bleeding edge LLVM to test
how good is the code that is coming out of their optimizer. Here's how
I tackle it:
  * create F22-based image with latest LLVM compiled from SVN checkout
  * CD into directory with the project I want to compile, and execute:
    docker run -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) /build llvm-builder bash -c
'./configure && make'

Of course I don't write that ugly Docker command by hand all the time,
but use label 'io.hica.bind_pwd', then it can be launched:

   docker-hica llvm-builder -- bash -c "./configure && make"

While this may not be the exact answer neither, I think we're getting

[0]: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-nspawn.html
[1]: https://github.com/shaded-enmity/docker-hica

Pavel Odvody <podvody redhat com>
Software Engineer - EMEA ENG Developer Experience
5EC1 95C1 8E08 5BD9 9BBF 9241 3AFA 3A66 024F F68D
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkyňova 99/71, 612 45, Brno

Daniel Riek <riek redhat com>
* Sr. Director Systems Design & Engineering 
* Red Hat Inc, Tel. +1-617-863-6776

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