...3 weeks later:On Tue, Jun 21, 2016, at 04:59 PM, Colin Walters wrote:It does seem viable to create a `centosmin` image that in some cases uses different package builds (e.g. ensuring rpm doesn't pullrelatively close in being min-coreutils + bash + yum. Some postprocessing on the depchain such as deleting `.py{,c}` files etc. would help.I realized recently that the work we'd been doing in libhif[1] which is a C library for package managementwould allow us to have a minimal "yum -y install" reimplementation[2] using libhif, which would begood for such a minimal image as then we could drop Python for example.I spent some of last Friday's plane flight back from the Summit working on it:You can try it with:docker pull docker.io/cgwalters/centosminI've only done some basic smoketesting on it. Compressed it's 28MB, uncompressed 77MB right now.I estimate it wouldn't be too hard to get within 60MB, but past that things get a bit trickier as weneed to investigate single-binary coreutils, a minimal libcurl build, and in general trimmingout a lot of the duplication in our C libraries like only having openssl and not nss, trimming downglib2 etc.I'm curious what people think. The tradeoff is we now have two base images (per distribution).