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[atomic] Revisiting the defaults for `atomic run` with and without --spc #75

I've opened issue #75: https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic/issues/75

The current default behavior is inconsistent for SPC and non-SPC invocations (see below).

In short, the default for `atomic run --spc` drops you into an interactive session. The default for `atomic run` is to create a running container that can later be used for commands.

PR #74 fixes this behavior.

However, I'd like us to rethink this. I believe a better solution would be something like this:

`atomic run [--spc] image [command]`:
    if (CREATE LABEL present)
execute CREATE label passing command if present in an environment variable
    if (RUN LABEL present)
execute RUN LABEL passing command if present in an environment variable
use `docker create` to launch the container and then `docker exec` with /bin/bash or command if present

`atomic start [--spc] image [command]`:
    if (CREATE LABEL present)
execute CREATE label passing command if present in an environment variable
use `docker create` to launch the container passing command if present

Example of current behavior
# ./atomic run --spc busybox /bin/ps
Container 'busybox-spc' must be running before executing a command into it.
Execute the following to create the container:
./atomic run --spc --name busybox-spc busybox
# ./atomic run --spc busybox
/usr/bin/docker run -t -i --rm --privileged -v /:/host -v /run:/run -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime --net=host --ipc=host --pid=host -e HOST=/host -e NAME=${NAME} -e IMAGE=${IMAGE} ${IMAGE} /bin/sh
<interactive shell>
# ./atomic run busybox /bin/ps
Container 'busybox' must be running before executing a command into it.
Execute the following to create the container:
./atomic run busybox
# ./atomic run busybox
/usr/bin/docker create -t -i --name ${NAME} ${IMAGE} /bin/sh
# docker ps
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e7f88fef782d busybox:latest "/bin/sh" 5 seconds ago Up 4 seconds busybox



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