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[atomic] Tweaking docker-storage-setup


We've been using docker-storage-setup (https://github.com/projectatomic/docker-storage-setup) to set up our CentOS LVM volumes.

Because our block devices are fairly small and our containers don't write data inside them (and we hit issues with resizes being very slow) we have a static setup:


The intention is to just create the lv as big as we can up front, because we don't need that space for anything else. We leave 2% for metadata.

However - we're running in to a problem, where our metadata volume is hitting 100% before out data volume gets close (sometimes, 60%). We're deploying kubernetes on these boxes, which garbage collects based on data usage not metadata usage, so we are often hitting the 100% and taking out 

What I'm struggling to understand is how much metadata a docker image or docker container uses. If I can find that out I can figure out a good data:metadata ratio. Is there a way for me to discover this?

Or, as I suspect, am I missing something here?

Andy Smith

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