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[atomic-devel] Anyone working on using ProjectAtomic for the desktop?

Hello all,
    This might be a wildly off in the weeds topic but I thought this
was the best place to bring it up. I've recently been shooting the
breeze with Jim Perrin of the CentOS project on IRC about the idea of
running a desktop image from inside a docker container (it works, but
getting it to work as non-root is still evading us, I'm sure we're
missing something silly).
    Those conversations kind of lead to the idea of running
ProjectAtomic as a desktop/laptop OS such that the core system is
managed in a stable and atomic fashion via rpm-ostree and applications
run inside of containers (docker, rkt, systemd-nspawn/machinectl,
$whatever) using 'atomic install' as the application lifecycle
mechanism. I'm unsure if the concept of running the desktop in a
container as a super privileged container is the best approach, but it
is one idea. I mostly wanted to bring all this up and talk a little
about the background just to see what others thought and if there's
anything in this space that would offer a reasonably elegant solution
to the question, "how do I run ProjectAtomic as my desktop/laptop OS?"

Apologies in advance if I'm just spouting from crazy town and thanks
for humoring me. :)


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