I am working on continuous delivery again. I submitted:
created https://github.com/CentOS/sig-atomic-buildscripts/pull/65
which uses rpmdistro-gitoverlay[1].
Before I go too much farther, let me back up and describe the goal:
We build the same version of most components (etcd, docker, kubernetes, ostree,
the ADB stack, the OSBS stack) etc. for both CentOS and Fedora 22/23/24 in CentOS
CI. However unlike Koji, these builds would be automatic and not manual. And we hook
up our github PR testers to this, so that we are more consistently verifying
builds of each component across both CentOS and Fedora.
(And we'll do Atomic Host ostree commits for the relevant bits, and
container builds too, and hook it all up to tests, etc.,
but consistently generating binaries for the support matrix is step 0)
Contrast vs current state
lsm5 is maintaining Docker in CentOS Virt SIG, but since there isn't
even dist-git for CBS right now, there is basically no way for anyone
else to collaborate, and plus it's manual.
For me I'm trying to get 32 bit PR testing builds of ostree for Fedora, since it's
still a blocker there and not having it has bit me (having to go and fix
up a pile of 32 bit warnings after releases).
We are very inconsistent about building other things like etcd
(http://cbs.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=102 last updated 2015-04-10).
Currently the ADB stack is CentOS-only.
And I haven't even mentioned building containers from these RPMs.
The list goes on, you get it.
Now in order for this to work, the Fedora spec files have to work on CentOS,
and this is where things get fun[2]. And I need the help of people maintaining
the spec files.