given a fake-runtime,
yum --nogpgcheck --installroot=$OSROOT --releasever=23 --setopt tsflags=nodocs install httpdI got the following[root fedora osroot]# for i in . usr/lib/ usr/lib/locale/ usr/share/locale/ usr/share/i18n; do du -sm $i ; done
227 .
109 usr/lib/
109 usr/lib/locale/
28 usr/share/locale/
10 usr/share/i18nso most of the 227MB are locales and i18nI noticed that httpd pulled systemd-libs because it depends on don't know why it needs systemd libs (if it's for notify, I don't need it inside docker)On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 1:17 AM, Muayyad AlSadi <alsadi gmail com> wrote:> localedef --prefix $OSROOT --list-archive xargs localedef --prefix $OSROOT --delete-from-archivethe line was
localedef --prefix $OSROOT --list-archive | grep -v en_US | xargs localedef --prefix $OSROOT --delete-from-archive