So why does OpenSCAP run SCAP-Security-Guide on CentOS, but the results come back "not applicable?" Two reasons:
<platform idref="cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:6"/>
<platform idref="cpe:/o:centos:centos:6"/>
On 02/02/2017 01:03 PM, Steve Poe wrote:
Thank you! That got me a step closer. I originally looked in the blogs
section on the project Atomic site, but I didn't see what you mentioned.
As a test, I downloaded the Centos6 image: <>
centos6 8315978ceaaa 3 months ago 195 MB
Ran 'atomic scan 8315978ceaaa' but received an error:
8315978ceaaa ( < >)
8315978ceaaa is not supported for this scan.
Yeah, that is a limitation of the 'openscap' scanner right now. Only RHEL-based images are supported, AFAIK.
'atomic scan' allows you to define your own scanner, so you could write/define your own. tom-atomic-scan-plug-in/
There is also a scanner from BlackDuck that seems to work almost out of the box:
On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 9:30 AM, Micah Abbott <miabbott redhat com
<mailto:miabbott redhat com>> wrote:
On 02/02/2017 12:13 PM, Steve Poe wrote:
I am reading about the ability to scan my images for known
On the Atomic host I created, I updated /etc/atomic.conf file
and added
the line:
'default_scanner: openscap'
However, the change does not work for me:
atomic scan --list
There are no scanners configured for this system.
What am I doing wrong?
CAH info:
Version: 7.2017.15 (2017-01-31 00:49:10)
I don't think the 'atomic scan' command will work right out of the
box with just that configuration.
You'll need to specify a scanner definition in '/etc/atomic.d/' like
shown here:
ic/atomic/blob/master/atomic. < mic/atomic/blob/master/atomic. >d/openscap
That should get you going in the right direction.