On 01/12/2017 09:37 AM, Jerry Zhang wrote:
Ack, just checking because, it is my strong preference that we have ALL RHEL system container images on RHCC...There's 2 parts to the answer, the container *image* itself in the upstream repo is built off fedora. But I believe there are rhel/centos based images in the RH registry. The containers are host-specific, but for etcd and flannel, I've tested them to work on fedora/centos/rhel and atomic host variants. Docker is split into fedora and centos host specific versions, but those are not fully working/tested at this time.
Hope that helps! Thanks, Jerry ----- Original Message -----From: "Scott McCarty" <smccarty redhat com> To: atomic-devel projectatomic io Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 8:59:36 AM Subject: Re: [atomic-devel] System container images in projectatomic docker hub Dumb question. Are these CentOS/Fedora images? Not RHEL right? On 01/12/2017 08:44 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 08:32:41PM -0800, Jason Brooks wrote:I think it would be worth getting these into fedora's layered build system, too.+1000! Then, they'll end up at the registry Randy Barlow is working on, and also pushed to Docker Hub as part of that process.-- Scott McCarty, RHCA Technical Product Marketing: Containers Email: smccarty redhat com Phone: 312-660-3535 Cell: 330-807-1043 Web: http://crunchtools.com When should you split your application into multiple containers? http://red.ht/22xKw9i
-- Scott McCarty, RHCA Technical Product Marketing: Containers Email: smccarty redhat com Phone: 312-660-3535 Cell: 330-807-1043 Web: http://crunchtools.comWhen should you split your application into multiple containers? http://red.ht/22xKw9i