> Could we prompt the user to optionally prune unused images before migrating?
The can recommend on fedora magazine that users should "docker rmi" images that they don't use before update.
On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Jeremy Eder <jeder redhat com> wrote:
> Could we prompt the user to optionally prune unused images before migrating?
> (maybe those that haven't been used in the last 30 days...)
Can't very well prompt the user during an unattended upgrade :)
Another question - how is such a thing handled in Atomic, where there
is no RPM transaction on the host to run %post scripts (which I assume
is where this migration is occurring?). This is probably relevant not
just for this, but other things as well that might require
host-specific configuration be updated as part of updating a package.